Friday, September 3, 2010

Love Krishna in n ways

Yesterday, traveling to Jalandhar, I read an article in TOI on different expressions of love towards Krishna. A bulleted summary:

1. Vatsalya bhav: love like a parent (read Yashodha); cuddle him, caress him, pamper him and feel ( even inexplicably highly) proud of him
2. Madhur bhav: love like a partner (read Radha); be fond of him and visualize in him all glory and pleasure.
3. Sakhya bhav: love like a friend (read Arjuna!); see the ultimate companion (and perhaps guide, I think) in him.

Minutes to go before the mid night bell marked Krishna's birth, I was recollecting how last year me, Somu and Sheeri wore white Kurta Pyjamas, went to ISKCON temples in Noida, Delhi and even did the Maala Jap.
With the melody of hare krishna hare rama flowing from the TV next room, the mood sank in again.

I was just typing a new status mssg "Happy Birthday flute genius" on g-talk and fb, and my grandfather comes chanting hare krishna, walks to the Pooja room, lights up an agrabatti , swings Krishna's cradle (which chachi decorated earlier today) and my grandmother follows suit.

It struck me: another classification of ways to love Krishna- the Pooja room chant and the update on social web; both virtual, both as meaningful (or meaningless) !!

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